i've been pretty quiet about it but the whole rip-off species community genuinely makes me sad to the pit of my stomach.
42 votes
Like I don't understand that malice I know some artists are shitty. but making rip-offs is just so
distasteful and disrespectful and just it just makes me sad..
I think its different to be inspired by a species, and using maybe verrry small trait simmilarities
but to do it out of anger and hatred that just makes me so sad

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catlinq's avatar
these ppl always act like they're being these saviours against the 'greedy rich cs owners'
when what they're actually doing us undercutting hardworking content creators by making a quicker,
cheaper alternative. that's not saving ppl from 'greed', it's the exact same tactics used in mass production
to push independent businesses out of the picture. it's actively contributing to the existing system of greed.

these small freelance communities (cosplay makers, fanartists, adopts, furry fandom) were some of the few
places where the person with the most expensive lawyer didn't win by default and where small business owners and
freelancers could make a living off of their hobby without having their creative labour stolen. all these people are
doing is making it so that even here, to protect your creative labour you have to have trademarks and legal knowledge
and money. they're singlehandedly destroying one of the last safe places away from that awful mentality...

either we're gonna see the business die altogether or more and more people deciding to go the route of sushidogs
and trademarking their creations because they have literally no other options..